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Customers want high-quality products at low prices, and they want them now. A flow of digital information changes the way people, organizations, and businesses work. Internet technologies will also change the boundaries of organizations of all sizes. In changing the boundaries, the "Web work style" of using digital tools and processes enables both organizations and individuals to change their roles. Using software to find useful patterns in large amounts of data is called data mining. Like re-engineering before it, "knowledge management" has been given so many meanings that it sometimes seems to mean whatever someone wants it to mean.
Knowledge of power capabilities of a battery starts with cell anode and cathode loading to maximum current abilities of the battery system. Power capabilities from a battery are not constant discharges and charges.
The main degradation is the breakdown of the active material (cathode material & electrolyte) due to cycling. Knowledge about damage is done on every cycle. Knowledge of the degradation process can be accelerated.
Digital tools extend the abilities that make us unique in the world: the ability to think, the ability to express our thoughts, the ability to work together to act on those thoughts. Human beings are not the biggest animals, the strongest or fastest, or the sharpest in sight or smell. We survived and grew successful because of our brains. We learned how to use tools, to build shelter, to invent agriculture, to keep farm animals, to develop civilization and culture, to cure and prevent disease. Our tools and technologies have helped us to shape the environment around us
Knowledge management, as I use the phrase here, is not a software product or a software category. Knowledge management doesn't even start with technology. It starts with business goals and processes and an understanding of the need to share information. Knowledge management is nothing more than managing information flow, getting the right information to the people who need it so that they can act on it quickly. And knowledge management is a means, not an end.
When a company downsizes, jobs are lost. When a company outsources, jobs move. The goal is not to get rid of work, but to move the responsibility to specialists outside. Employees who react to the possibility of outsourcing with fear are assuming that work belongs "in " the company and not "out." As companies change, some people will have difficulties. Despite the understandable anxiety, employees should also look at the changes as opportunities to define their jobs the way they want them, and to work for an organization of the size and personality they prefer. They can even use this revolution as a chance to start their own business. A lot of people want to work for bigger firms. They like the idea of belonging to one company, working on long-term projects, and being part of the community and culture of a particular workplace. They invest in their career, and the company invests in them. A lot of the most interesting jobs, such as software design at my company, are central areas that won't be outsourced. With the patterns revealed by data mining, you can present your products to a customer in a way that's most likely to increase your value to the customer, and his or her value to you. Energsoft is ready to help with outsourcing your battery data analytics.
Every business, whether it's a producer of products and services or a supplier to that producer, has to react quickly while keeping quality high and price low. Information technology has become a major contributor to the faster responses, the higher quality, and the lower price rises that have defined business in the last decade. Energsoft could hook up a nervous system of battery data with your ERP.
Another software decision is: do you get all the ERP software from one company or do you get the best from a lot of different companies? Because compatibility is so important, most companies are going to a single company for all their ERP needs. Good information systems can remove most of that waiting time. When people accept the need for action, digital technology enables a fast response. A well-designed digital nervous system operates as an early-warning system.
Knowledge management is a fancy term for a simple idea. You're managing data, documents, and people's efforts. Your aim should be to improve the way people work together, share ideas, sometimes argue, and build on one another's ideas—and then act together for a common purpose.
Some employees in companies of any size are naturally nervous about the effects of the Web work-style. They assume that if their company chooses to build itself around Web technologies, their jobs may disappear. They won't—unless "restructuring" is just a fancy term to hide sackings.
Then you need to communicate what you want to do, and the plans behind it, to every person in the company and to partners and other relevant people outside the company. Many leading companies hesitated to move to new technologies for fear of ruining the success of their existing technologies.
You need to think about your company's basic business issues and develop a long-term business plan to solve problems and take advantage of the opportunities your analysis reveals.
More than anything, though, a company must communicate with its customers and act on what it learns from them. This primary need involves all a company's capacities: operational efficiency, data gathering, cooperation, strategic planning, and action
A digital nervous system serves two primary purposes in developing business understanding. It extends the individual's capacity for analysis the way machines extend physical capacities, and it combines the abilities of individuals to create a company intelligence and act as one.
To put it all together: A digital nervous system seeks to create company excellence out of individual excellence to serve the customer. The aim is to increase corporate IQ. In today's fast-moving markets, a company needs high corporate IQ to succeed.
Do you view information technology as a way to solve specific problems? Then you're probably only getting a fraction of the benefits that modern computers and software can provide. Instead, you should be creating systems that will deliver information immediately to anyone who can use it—" digital nervous systems." But whatever else you have on your side today—smart employees, excellent products, loyal customers, cash in the bank —you need a fast flow of good information to make processes efficient, raise quality, and improve the way you put your plan into practice. Most companies have good people working for them. Most companies want to treat their customers well. Good, useful data exists somewhere within most organizations. Information flow is the lifeblood of your company because it enables you to get the most out of your people and to learn from your customers. See if you have the information to answer these questions:
Like a living creature, an organization works best if it can rely on a nervous system that sends information immediately to the parts that need it. A digital nervous system can unite all an organization's policies and processes, releasing rivers of information and allowing businesses to make huge leaps in efficiency, growth, and profits. I have a simple but strong belief: how you gather, manage, and use information will decide whether you win or lose. By corporate IQ, I don't just mean having a lot of smart people at your company—though it helps to start with intelligent people. Corporate IQ is a measure of how easily your company can share information broadly and how well people within your organization can build on each other's ideas.
Corporate IQ involves sharing both history and current knowledge. The workers in a company with a high corporate IQ work together efficiently so that all of the key people on a project are well-informed and full of energy. The final goal is to have a team develop the best ideas from throughout an organization, and then act with the same purpose and concentration that a single, enthusiastic person would bring to a situation. Digital information flow can help groups to function as individuals. Corporate Battery Knowledge
The business side of any company starts and ends with deep analysis of its numbers. Whatever else you do, if you don't understand what's happening in your business factually, and you're making decisions based on soft data or emotion, you'll eventually pay a big price.
Numbers give you the factual basis for the directions in which you take your products. They tell you objectively what customers like and don't like. They help you identify your highest priorities so that you can take fast action.
Just-in-time delivery can be a reality for any industry. Using software to handle routine data tasks gives you the opportunity to provide the human touch where it really matters. There's a dramatic difference between getting a note that was clearly written by a person rather than a computer. Battery Nervous System...
A company's high-level executives need to believe in knowledge sharing, or even a major effort in sharing will fail. Leaders must also show that they themselves are not locked away in a palace, isolated from everyone else, but are willing to engage with employees.
When business leaders have created an atmosphere that encourages teamwork and knowledge sharing, they need to set up specific knowledge-sharing projects across the organization and make knowledge sharing a key part of the work itself-—not an extra that can safely be ignored.
Then leaders need to make sure that the people who share knowledge are rewarded. The old saying "Knowledge is power" sometimes makes people keep knowledge to themselves. They believe that this makes them more valuable to the company.
Like a living creature, an organization works best if it can rely on a nervous system that sends information immediately to the parts that need it. A digital nervous system can unite all an organization's systems and processes, releasing rivers of information and allowing businesses to make huge leaps in efficiency, growth, and profits. I have a simple but strong belief: how you gather, manage, and use information will decide whether you win or lose. They learned a hard lesson. If you don't take risks early, you'll decline in the market later. If you bet big, though, only a few of these risks have to succeed to provide for your future. Risk-taking is natural in a new industry. Because the basic operational processes are so important—and so expensive—most big companies began to invest heavily in automating them years ago. But too often the automated processes were isolated from one another. Overall efficiency wasn't nearly as good as it could be. Developing a digital nervous system allows you to give more power to as many of your workers as possible. In the new organization, the worker is no longer a part of a machine but is an intelligent part of the overall process. The technology is available today. An investment in a shared infrastructure and tools will enable not just a huge reduction in costs.
Sometimes there are good reasons for secrecy, but usually information has been reserved simply because it took time, money, and effort to move information around, so you had to be senior to order the work. On today's computer networks you can find and present data easily and cheaply. You can dive into the data to the lowest level of detail and look at it from different angles. You can exchange information and ideas with other people. You can bring together the ideas and work of many people for a better result.
Like a human being, a company needs an internal communication system, a "nervous system," to organize its actions. All businesses concentrate on a few basic things: customers, products and services, earnings, costs, competitors, delivery, and employees. A company has to carry out the business processes in each area and e-mail. Battery scientists need to make sure that they are working together, especially activities that cross departments.
A company needs to respond quickly and well to any crisis or unplanned event. You might get a call from your best customer saying he's buying from your biggest competitor, or that competitor might introduce a great new product, or you might have a faulty product or an operation that breaks down. Unplanned events can be positive, too. You might get an unexpected opportunity for a major new battery supplier activity or purchase.
The sales department needs to find out quickly whether the company can supply a product before promising to deliver a big order. The manufacturing department needs to know what product is selling strongly so that it can change production priorities. Business managers throughout the company need to know about both—and a lot more, too. An organization's nervous system has parallels with our human nervous system. Every business has some processes that must continue for the company to survive, just as the human heart must keep beating regardless of battery disasters or competitors.
The need to be efficient and reliable has driven companies to automate many of these basic operations. But because managers have taken whatever solution was available, the result over time has been a large number of systems that don't always work together. Each independent system may work smoothly on its own, but the data in each is isolated and difficult to combine with the data in the others. Getting data about operational processes and using it has been one of the more difficult problems of business. But today's technology can make basic operations the basis of a much broader, company-wide intelligence.
When computers went from simple number-work to modeling business problems, they began to play a part in information work.
Finally, there's the conscious directing of your company's muscles, whether you're creating teams to develop new products, opening new offices, or sending people out to win new customers. To be carried out well, these planned events need careful thinking and strategic analysis before and after you act.
Within a few years all leading battery and energy storage related companies will have achieved high levels of digitally aided knowledge sharing.
Knowledge about DoD, SOC, SOH and other metrics: Short life applications (CE) tend to focus more on Price. Long-life applications (EV, ESS, UPS) concentrate more on Cost. All batteries start to degrade as soon as their formation is complete and so the price is going down too. Higher densities enable larger capacity cells per unit volume. This is a crucial parameter for consumer electronics and electrical vehicles. Used to distinguish technology nodes. Energy density is dependent on the thickness of the battery cell. Calendar life is the non-operational aging effects. Used as a comparison with other technologies, not a useful measure of actual usable time. Degradation or loss of capacity over time that is not recoverable. Usually specified at conditions (Temp & C-Rate) that show the greatest value. Given in units of Amp-hours (Ah), used to determine overall run time based on power demands. Relates directly to power capabilities, both in discharge and charge. Usually defined by maximum, typical, and some chemistries will note a minimum. Manufacturing could use it as Current / Nominal Capacity. Because it is easier for Capacity in Amp-hours (Ah), used to determine overall run time based on C-Rate. Contingencies can be designed to mitigate specific hazards. There is no “safe” energy storage, but rather “safer.” Battery Safety design is multi-layered and starts at the cell and continues up to the whole device. The IQ of the corporations and small businesses should be ruled by KPI's.
Battery Analytics in the Field
A digital nervous system won't guarantee you the right answers to these questions. But it will free you from the old paper processes so that you'll have the time to think about the questions. It will give you the data to start thinking immediately, and to see the trends coming at you. A digital nervous system will make it possible for facts and ideas to quickly surface from deep in your organization, from the people who have information about these questions and, it's likely, many of the answers. Most important, it will allow you to do all these things fast.
No company can assume that its position in the market is safe. A company should constantly be thinking about its options. One company might be hugely successful if it broke into another business. Another company might find that it should stay with what it knows and does best. The most important thing is that a company's managers have the information to understand where they can compete and what their next great market could be.
New technology should provide better information to every worker who might possibly use it. Knowledge workers are the brains of the company. If they're disconnected from the company's important data, how can they work, how can they take responsibility? You can give people tasks and authority, but without information they can't do anything. Knowledge is the best power tool.
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